
Panta Rhei works exclusively with the best in their field.

Exclusive Affiliate Member of SECNewgate in Switzerland

We aren’t experts in everything – but when it comes to design, branding, graphics, programming, photography, print and new media, we can call on the right partners for you.

Strategic Content Marketing, Social Media Communication & Marketing
Brain & Heart Communication

Branding, advertising and campaigns
erdmannpeisker gmbh

Visual Storytelling, Newsroom Developing

Sonja Studer Grafik AG
Fabian Iseli

Meinrad Schade
Yannick Andrea

Print and Lithography
Kromer Print AG
ERNi Druck

IT / Web

Workplace health management
Conaptis GmbH

Quality Management / Audits / Agency Consulting
Dr. Reto Wilhelm is co-founder of the international consulting company – consisting of proven experts who advise agencies on management and quality certification. Dr. Reto Wilhelm is also a trained and certified quality management auditor in the communications industry for the CMS industry standard of the International Communication Consultancy Organisation ICCO (issued by TÜV Austria)

Further information:

We are committed to the business of communication

Association memberships

Panta Rhei is Quality certified by ICCO CMS IV 

Member of the board Reto Wilhelm

Zürcher PR-Gesellschaft
Zürcher PR-Gesellschaft
Swiss Travelwritersclub
Journalistes suisses du tourisme
Schweizer Aviatik-Journalisten SAJ